Youtube commenters reacted:
“Though it’s sad should the decision from the government pursue for Jin to undergo training, as a good citizen of SK, he can’t do anything but to comply. Let’s hope that wherever Jin is, he will be well and healthy. Army will definitely miss him but still be waiting for him. God bless you BTS.” – Rucila Tumitit
“I rather they all go together at the same time to get it out of the way. I don’t feel like they would lose any momentum really. I think their comeback from the military would be so legendary and Army will be patiently waiting for them. If anything if they could just serve a lesser time frame both parties could win essentially (BTS serves and momentum wouldn’t be too damaged). Either way I respect whatever decisions they make and will continue supporting them and their work!” – SunniMoon
“Honestly anyone who disagrees with the boys all wanting to enlist at the same time to stay together in the long run instead of just getting new music is just selfish. They’ve given us plenty of love and beautiful music. You can handle a year of them taking care of business. If you need to cling on to BTS so hard that they can’t live their lives you have an issue.” – Bristow47